Wire Art Workshops
The Storytelling Machine and Saturday Morning Workshops​​
Always Imagine Wire Art Workshop and James and Lynn Paterson invite you to a wire art experience inspired by James’ picture book, Saturday Morning and to see James’ accompanying moving wire sculpture The Storytelling Machine. In the workshop, James will read from Saturday Morning and perform and The Storytelling Machine to your delight.
Then you will have several hours with James and Lynn to build, create, and twist your own wire art creations. It’s like drawing in 3D except you get to poke your fingers, play with tools, and enjoy listening to what the “wire says to you”.
Let your imagination run free and invite the child in you to engage.
Explore, enjoy, and - Always Imagine!
Workshops are tailored for schools, libraries, or private events.
Contact Lynn for more information or to book an event.
(See a short video of The Storytelling Machine)
always imagine wire Art workshop
w i t h J a m e s P a t e r s o n
This is what to expect from an Always Imagine Wire Workshop
During the presentation I read my book “Saturday Morning” while performing The Storytelling Machine with audience participation. Then the workshop attendees are invited to play with, experiment, and discover the joy of creating art pieces in wire. All the tools and materials are provided.
The workshop set-up requires a large room or space with tables to accommodate 5-6 people, plus extra tables for supplies
The length of the workshop will depend on the age group. Adult workshops 2.5-3 hours, Teens, 2 hours, 12 and under, 1-1.5 hours
$1000.00 for a full day plus HST. We will tailor the cost and workshop to accommodate the size and nature of the group and its needs.
A signed copy of Saturday Morning is presented to the school or library.
I have included recommendations from a librarian, parent, teacher, principal, and OISE instructor, who have all experienced the workshops.
Click here to read Wire Workshop Reviews and Recommendations
I'm always looking for new people and places to share the Saturday Morning book and The Storytelling Machine.
For more information or to book a visit, connect with Lynn.
Email Lynn: jamespatersonart@gmail.com
Call or Text: 905-827-5680